demand-pull — [di mand′ pool′] adj. designating or having to do with a form of inflation in which prices are driven up by an excess demand for goods and services, relative to their supply * * * de·mand pull (dĭ măndʹpo͝ol ) n. Increased demand for a limited… … Universalium
demand-pull — [di mand′ pool′] adj. designating or having to do with a form of inflation in which prices are driven up by an excess demand for goods and services, relative to their supply … English World dictionary
Inflation — This article is about a rise in the general price level. For the expansion of the early universe, see Inflation (cosmology). For other uses, see Inflation (disambiguation). Inflation rates around the world in 2007 … Wikipedia
Inflation — The rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services is rising. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * inflation in‧fla‧tion [ɪnˈfleɪʆn] noun [uncountable] ECONOMICS a continuing increase in the prices of goods and services … Financial and business terms
inflation — The creation of money by monetary authorities. In more popular usage, the creation of money that visibly raises goods prices and lowers the purchasing power of money. It may be creeping, trotting, or galloping, depending on the rate of money… … Financial and business terms
demand-pull inflation — A theory of inflation or price increases resulting from so called excess demand. Related: cost push inflation. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * demand pull inflation demand pull inflation ➔ inflation * * * demand pull inflation UK US noun [U] … Financial and business terms
demand — an order to comply with an obligation. In business, paying on demand means that the obligation must be satisfied immediately when requested. Glossary of Business Terms The desire to purchase economic goods or services (and the financial ability… … Financial and business terms
inflation — A rise in the general level of prices in an economy which, if it continues, must bring about an increase in the money supply. Economists have offered a number of different explanations for inflation, and though it is generally accepted that… … Dictionary of sociology
Excess Capacity — A situation in which actual production is less than what is achievable or optimal for a firm. This often means that the demand in the market for the product is below what the firm could potentially supply to the market. The amount of excess… … Investment dictionary
demand-pull inflation — A rise in prices caused by an excess of demand over supply in the economy as a whole. When the labour force and all resources are fully employed extra demand will only disappear as a result of rising prices. Compare cost push inflation … Big dictionary of business and management
inflation — Synonyms and related words: Barnumism, access, accession, accretion, accrual, accruement, accumulation, addition, advance, affectation, aggrandizement, amplification, appreciation, ascent, augmentation, ballooning, ballyhoo, bedizenment, big… … Moby Thesaurus